Peter Gelb-搜索结果

  • 莫扎特《魔笛》 The Magic Flute


    导演:詹姆斯·莱文   编剧:朱丽·泰莫

    主演:凯蒂·柯丽克, Peter Gelb, 詹姆斯·莱文, 朱丽·泰莫, 马修·波伦萨尼, 黄英, 勒内·帕佩, Nathan Gunn, Erika Miklósa, Wendy Bryn Harmer,

      埃及王子塔米诺(约瑟夫·凯泽 Joseph Kaiser 饰)在临危受难之际得到了夜女王的拯救,夜女王将自己的女儿帕米纳(Amy Carson 饰)的肖像拿给塔米诺看,美丽的帕米纳一下子就俘虏了王子的心。夜女王告诉王子,帕米纳被一位名叫萨拉斯特罗(勒内·帕佩 René Pape 饰)的男子给掳走了,如果王子能够将自己的女儿平安的带回来,就把帕米纳许配给他为妻,塔米诺欣然应允。

  • 瓦格纳之梦 Wagner's Dream


    导演:苏珊·弗罗姆克   编剧:Susan Froemke, Bob Eisenhardt

    主演:Carl Fillion, Peter Gelb, Robert Lepage

      The stakes could not be higher as one of the theater's finest stage directors teams up with one of the world's leading opera companies to tackle opera's most monumental challenge: the production of Wagner's epic Ring cycle - the four-part, 16-hour work that the composer first presented in 1876. For the past 130 years, the quest to produce a perfect Ring has stymied directors, i...